
SBS Certified Businesses >

BMT Consulting Services LLC

↓ The source of this information is the New York State open data website,

Account Number: 374463

Vendor Number

Vendor Formal Name: BMT Consulting Services LLC

Formal Name of the Company

First Name: Binu

First Name of the Company's Contact Person

Last Name: Mathew

Last Name of the Company's Contact Person

Telephone: 9148790017

Telephone Number

Business Description: Construction Cost Advisory - Understanding the expense associated with the building currently in the design phase is crucial for the program's success. Our team of cost specialists comprehensively assesses all aspects and elements of a facility, collaborating closely with the client to incorporate both indirect and intangible costs into their plan. This ensures the development of a thorough and dependable cost plan that is continually updated as the design evolves. With our proficiency and ample resources, we are equipped to provide precise cost estimates at every stage of the capital improvement process. Program/Conceptual Design Schematic Design Design Development Construction Documents/Bidding/Issued For Construction We boast a team of estimators proficient in all disciplines and components, collaborating closely with clients to develop budgets and deliver dependable, precise cost estimates. As the design progresses, we assess the cost implications of various decisions and scrutinize the fairness and accuracy of contractor bids. Furthermore, our cost plans incorporate risk assessments, informing contingency levels accordingly. Throughout our estimation process, we consistently explore potential value engineering options. We regard value engineering as integral, systematically reviewing project functions to align with owner objectives and secure optimal, life-cycle solutions. Leveraging our expertise, we furnish accurate cost information to facilitate informed decisions. Our approach prioritizes value enhancement by eliminating unnecessary costs while upholding functionality. We segment the project scope into systems, exploring alternative options across design, equipment, materials, construction, operations, and maintenance. Our analytical system enables us to evaluate numerous scenarios, addressing value engineering solutions and owner requests promptly and comprehensively. With a profound understanding of project cost drivers, we swiftly identify areas for further analysis to deliver high-value solutions. Recognizing the significance of precise estimates as both communication tools and project roadmaps, our estimating team brings extensive experience to the table, ensuring seamless navigation from budgeting to project completion. Our estimating team has significant experience in: Budgeting Feasibility Studies Building Evaluations Project Scheduling Cost Control & Management Life-Cycle Costing Value Engineering Cost-to-Complete Change Order Evaluations VALUE ENGINEERING Value Engineering entails a methodical examination of critical project functions or performance to delineate the owner's objectives and guarantee the selection of optimal, whole-life solutions. Drawing on our team's expertise, we furnish accurate cost information to empower informed, financially prudent decisions. Our team endeavors to augment value by eradicating unnecessary costs while preserving functionality. Our approach dissects the project scope into systems, evaluating alternative options across design, equipment, and material selection, as well as construction, operations, and maintenance, to yield benefits. CONTROLS AND ESTIMATING SOFTWARE UTILIZED OnCenter™ QuickBid™ BuzzBID™ ProEst™ RS Means ™ Microsoft Excel™ Microsoft Project ™ SimplEst™ MARKET SECTORS Commercial Aviation Education Government Infrastructure Transportation Hospitality Industrial

A brief description of the type of service provided

Certification: MBE,WBE

Type of Certification the company qualified for

Certification Renewal Date: 12/31/2028;12/31/2028

Date on which certification was renewed

Ethnicity: ASIAN

Ethnicity of the Company owner(s)

Address Line 1: 10 Delongis Ct

Company Address

City: Sparkill

City in which Company is located

State: NY

State in which Company is located

Postcode: 10976

ZIP code

Mailing Address Line 1: 10 Delongis Ct

Company mailing address

Mailing City: Sparkill


Mailing_State: New York


Mailing Zip: 10976

ZIP code

Date Of Establishment: 2023-08-09

Date the Company was Established

ID6 digit NAICS code: 541990

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code that identifies the type of business

NAICS Sector: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

NAICS sector (Industry)

NAICS Subsector: Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

NAICS Subsector

NAICS Title: All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

Type of Business

NIGP codes: 96114 | 90900 | 91200 | 91800 | 92544

National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) Codes

Name of Client Job Exp 1: Juniper Construction

The Business the vendor is working for

Largest Value of Contract: 1440

Value (in dollars) of the the contract

Percent Self Performed Job Exp 1: 100

Percent of the job performed by the vendor

Date of Work Job Exp 1: 2024-02-29

Date the work was done

Description of Work Job Exp 1: Cost estimating & client management

Description of the work done

Enrolled in PASSPort: Yes

Enrollment in the NYC's Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal (PASSPort)

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