↓ The source of this information is the New York State open data website, https://data.ny.gov/.
Account Number: 100118
Vendor Number
Vendor Formal Name: Nex-xos Worldwide LLC
Formal Name of the Company
First Name: Saul
First Name of the Company's Contact Person
Last Name: Mishkin
Last Name of the Company's Contact Person
Telephone: 3054338376
Telephone Number
Business Description: Nex-xos is a highly customer service focused company. We specialize in the manufacturing of shelf stable foods; we are a leading provider of complete shelf stable meal kits, packaging and assembly contract services and distributor of foodservice products. Our operation is SBA HubZone certified, minority-owned small business and is located in Pembroke Park, Florida USA. Some of our shelf stable food lines include Individual Meal Kits and food snack components specifically designed for use in operational and austere environments and to meet restricted religious diets. We have market participation in the military, emergency, survival, humanitarian and disaster relief response, sports/athletics, and meal kits for the outdoor enthusiast.
For over two decades, we have combined our executive team’s experience in the prepared food industry to design and deliver food supplies to military and non-military, NGOs, and other institutions around the world.
During our early history, we embraced the challenge of building a cost-efficient business operation that, combined with our discipline in following our established procedures and our willingness to remain flexible to respond more effectively to any of our customers’ products and service needs, has enabled us to successfully expand our services into our U.S. Military Food industry.
We have served domestic and international customers that require us to comply with strict guidelines in the preparation, packaging and delivery of food products including those packaged under religious guidelines such as Halal and Kosher certifications which we are proud to comply with. Additionally, our effective customer specification review process provides us with the ability to meet highly intricate customer requirements that range from identifying and sourcing specific food flavors or textures to complying with specialized packaging film requirements, packing designs, strict compliance to food grades, plant required certifications, production processes and QA inspections, and nutritional requirements among others. After years of arduous dedication and commitment to complying with our customers’ requirements, we have become an effective solution to our customers’ custom-packing, commercialization, and distribution needs.
We have responded to our various customers’ needs for specific products features and specifications depending on the industry they participate in, from consumers and large distributors in retail industry to Government and NGOs around the globe, our product design and development process have been proven successful as more of our own and custom-food product designs are being successfully commercialized at a steady growth rate in both retail and institutional markets.
A brief description of the type of service provided
Certification: MBE
Type of Certification the company qualified for
Certification Renewal Date: 12/31/2028
Date on which certification was renewed
Ethnicity: HISPANIC
Ethnicity of the Company owner(s)
Address Line 1: 3922 Pembroke Road
Company Address
City: Pembroke Park
City in which Company is located
State: FL
State in which Company is located
Mailing Address Line 1: 3922 Pembroke Road
Company mailing address
Mailing City: Pembroke Park
Mailing_State: Florida
Mailing Zip: 33021
ZIP code
Website: http://www.nex-xos.com
Company Website
Date Of Establishment: 2011-01-01
Date the Company was Established
ID6 digit NAICS code: 311999
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code that identifies the type of business
NAICS Sector: Manufacturing
NAICS sector (Industry)
NAICS Subsector: Other Food Manufacturing
NAICS Subsector
NAICS Title: All Other Miscellaneous Food Manufacturing
Type of Business
NIGP codes: 37003 | 37004 | 37006 | 37009 | 37012 | 37014 | 37015 | 37016 | 37017 | 37018 | 37021 | 37022 | 37023 | 37024 | 37025 | 37026 | 37027 | 37030 | 37033 | 37034 | 37035 | 37036 | 37038 | 37039 | 37040 | 37041 | 37042 | 37045 | 37046 | 37048 | 37051 | 39002 | 39005 | 39007 | 39015 | 39021 | 39028 | 39029 | 39033 | 39035 | 39042 | 39049 | 39303 | 39304 | 39305 | 39306 | 39310 | 39330 | 39331 | 39332 | 39333 | 39334 | 39335 | 39336 | 39337 | 39338 | 39339 | 39340 | 39341 | 39342 | 39343 | 39344 | 39345 | 39346 | 39347 | 39348 | 39349 | 39350 | 39351 | 39352 | 39353 | 39354 | 39355 | 39356 | 39357 | 39358 | 39359 | 39360 | 39361 | 39362 | 39363 | 39364 | 39365 | 39366 | 39367 | 39368 | 39369 | 39370 | 39371 | 39372 | 39373 | 39374 | 39375 | 39376 | 39377 | 39378 | 39379 | 39380 | 39381 | 39382
National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) Codes
Name of Client Job Exp 1: Ever Ready First Aid Co
The Business the vendor is working for
Largest Value of Contract: 5000000
Value (in dollars) of the the contract
Percent Self Performed Job Exp 1: 100
Percent of the job performed by the vendor
Date of Work Job Exp 1: 2017-10-02
Date the work was done
Description of Work Job Exp 1: Source, design and produce meals ready to eat for disaster relief, meeting specific nutritional requ
Description of the work done
Name of Client Job Exp 2: NYCEM
Name of second business the vendor is working for
Value of Contract Job Exp 2: 40000
Value (in dollars) of the the contract
Percent Self Performed Job Exp 2: 80
Percent of the job performed by the vendor
Date of Work Job Exp 2: 2023-02-13
Date the work was done
Description of Work Job Exp 2: Kosher Shelf-Stable Meals 2/13/23-6/30/23
Description of the work done
Name of Client Job Exp 3: NYCEM
Name of third business the vendor is working for
Value of Contract Job Exp 3: 40000
Value (in dollars) of the the contract
Percent Self Performed Job Exp 3: 80
Percent of the job performed by the vendor
Date of Work Job Exp 3: 2023-02-08
Date the work was done
Description of Work Job Exp 3: Halal Shelf-Stable Foods 2/8/23-6/30/23
Description of the work done
Enrolled in PASSPort: Yes
Enrollment in the NYC's Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal (PASSPort)