
SBS Certified Businesses >

O-High Technologies, LLC

↓ The source of this information is the New York State open data website,

Account Number: 296071

Vendor Number

Vendor Formal Name: O-High Technologies, LLC

Formal Name of the Company

First Name: Subrina

First Name of the Company's Contact Person

Last Name: Oliver

Last Name of the Company's Contact Person

Telephone: 8887588980

Telephone Number

Business Description: We are Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) experts with competitive solutions to satisfy the following: increasing demand for STEM-employees in the US; lack of STEM-proficient American-born employees; inequitable access to STEM education and workforce many potential but under-represented talents; need to supply both STEM and non-STEM industries with a diverse proficiently skilled STEM workforce; as well as the impetus to fortify America with the leading STEM talent pool in domestic and global markets. Our clients are private and public businesses, daycare centers, schools (grades pre-kindergarten–12), colleges, and universities; all levels of government, as well as non-STEM entities and organizations) invested in diversity and inclusion initiatives to improve and expand its own workforce with STEM-skilled talents developed within the United States of America. In essence, we are the STEM bridge, connecting our clients to a highly competitive and diverse proficient talent pool with STEM core competencies developed within the United States for careers around the globe. Our team specializes in designing innovative diversity and inclusion workforce solutions to leverage the client’s reach to a wider array of qualified STEM-skilled prospects for entry-level employment in all technology areas: information and communication; energy and power; manufacturing & production; transportation; construction; and bio (health and agriculture) technologies. In addition to STEM education and workforce development programs, we provide Career and Technology Education (CTE) solutions and resources. For our academic clients (child and adult education), we have NYS-certified CTE experts on hand who are knowledgeable about hands-on and minds-on methodologies, curriculum writing, instructional program development (in-school and after school), and 21st-century authentic best teaching & learning practices.

A brief description of the type of service provided

Certification: MBE,WBE

Type of Certification the company qualified for

Certification Renewal Date: 02/28/2025;02/28/2025

Date on which certification was renewed

Ethnicity: BLACK

Ethnicity of the Company owner(s)

Address Line 1: 110 Terminal Drive

Company Address

Address Line 2: Room 36A

Company Address

City: Plainview

City in which Company is located

State: NY

State in which Company is located

Postcode: 11803

ZIP code

Mailing Address Line 1: 445 BROAD HOLLOW RD

Company mailing address

Mailing Address Line 2: Suite 25

Company mailing address

Mailing City: Melville


Mailing_State: New York


Mailing Zip: 11747

ZIP code


Company Website

Date Of Establishment: 2013-03-27

Date the Company was Established

ID6 digit NAICS code: 611710

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code that identifies the type of business

NAICS Sector: Educational Services

NAICS sector (Industry)

NAICS Subsector: Educational Support Services

NAICS Subsector

NAICS Title: Educational Support Services

Type of Business

NIGP codes: 91800 | 92400 | 92418

National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) Codes

Name of Client Job Exp 1: Suffolk County Government

The Business the vendor is working for

Largest Value of Contract: 500000

Value (in dollars) of the the contract

Percent Self Performed Job Exp 1: 100

Percent of the job performed by the vendor

Date of Work Job Exp 1: 2022-08-22

Date the work was done

Description of Work Job Exp 1: Support and reinforce the WIOA funding initiatives via the One Stop Operation Center and allied acti

Description of the work done

Name of Client Job Exp 2: Ignite LI

Name of second business the vendor is working for

Value of Contract Job Exp 2: 30000

Value (in dollars) of the the contract

Percent Self Performed Job Exp 2: 100

Percent of the job performed by the vendor

Date of Work Job Exp 2: 2021-08-02

Date the work was done

Description of Work Job Exp 2: Consulting

Description of the work done

Name of Client Job Exp 3: Ignite Li

Name of third business the vendor is working for

Value of Contract Job Exp 3: 19000

Value (in dollars) of the the contract

Percent Self Performed Job Exp 3: 100

Percent of the job performed by the vendor

Date of Work Job Exp 3: 2019-10-31

Date the work was done

Description of Work Job Exp 3: Consulting

Description of the work done

Enrolled in PASSPort: Yes

Enrollment in the NYC's Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal (PASSPort)

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