
DCWP Licensed Businesses >


↓ The source of this information is the New York State open data website,

License Number: 2079835-DCA

An identification number issued to a business or individual when their license application is approved by DCWP


The legal business name as filed with the New York State Secretary of State or County Clerk or, if an individual, the person’s first name and last name

Business Category: Home Improvement Contractor

The business activity or business category requiring a DCWP-issued license in order to operate legally within NYC

License Type: Premises

Indicates whether the license is issued to an individual or an organization

Initial Issuance Date: 2018-11-09

The date the license was originally issued

Expiration Date: 2025-02-28

The date the license term expired or will expire.

Contact Phone: 7185107309

The phone number of the business contact

Address Type: Complete Address

The type of address where the business is located

Building Number: 5523

The building number where the business is located

Street1: 7 AVENUE

The name of the street where the business is located


The city where the business is located

State: NY

The state where the business is located

ZIP Code: 11220

The ZIP Code where the business is located

Borough: Brooklyn

The NYC Borough where the business is located

Community Board: 307

The NYC Community District where the business is located

Council District: 43

The NYC City Council District where the business is located

BIN: 3015125

The Building Identification Number where the business is located

BBL: 3008340001

The Borough-Block-Lot number where the business is located


The Neighborhood Tabulation Area where the business is located

Census Tract (2010): 106

The 2010 Census Tract where the business is located

Coordinates where the business is located
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Detailed Descriptions

A detailed description of your services and offerings, so visitors can learn about the full scope of what you provide. This will help better inform your audience and build trust in your company.

Interactive Feedback

A feedback section where users can leave comments, reviews, and ask questions. This will allow you to directly interact with clients, receive valuable feedback, and respond to their needs in a timely manner.

Website Analytics

Visitor tracking functionality, so you can analyze traffic and activity on your website. This data will help you better understand your audience and more effectively promote your services.

Location Mapping

An interactive map displaying the location of your business. This is convenient for visitors who want to find and visit you in person.

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