
SBS Certified Businesses >

Ideas and Action

↓ The source of this information is the New York State open data website,

Account Number: 14264

Vendor Number

Vendor Formal Name: Ideas and Action

Formal Name of the Company

First Name: Marc

First Name of the Company's Contact Person

Last Name: Norman

Last Name of the Company's Contact Person

Telephone: 9176478944

Telephone Number

Business Description: Marc Norman is the founder of the consulting firm “Ideas and Action” and Associate Dean of NYU's Schack Institute of Real Estate. Norman has worked in the field of community development and finance for over 25 years. With degrees in Political Economics (U.C. Berkeley, B.A. 1989) and Urban Planning (UCLA, M.A. 1992) he has worked collaboratively to develop or finance over 2,000 units totaling more than $400 million in total development costs. Having worked for for-profit and non-profit organizations, consulting firms and investment banks he currently consults with architects, planners, non-profit organizations and others throughout the United States and the world. Through Ideas and Action Norman is currently partnered with non-profit housing developers, throughout the U.S. For the State of New York, Norman led a team in Elmira, NY as part of the Empire State Poverty Reduction Initiative. This innovative initiative gathered a range of stakeholders, aggregated various data sources and collaborated with families in living in poverty to tackle systemic issues related to housing, employment and wrap around services. Ideas and Action has participated in every round of New York State's Downtown Revitalization Initiative for cities throughout the state. Other projects include economic development analysis and anti-gentrification measures on behalf of cities and Community Development Financial Institutions. In addition to the work of the consulting firm Norman conducts research and writes on issues of housing and economic development. Publications include, “Projecting Rust Belt Futures: Underwriting Icicles and Leveraging Sidewalks” which outlined strategies for bringing investment in neighborhoods where values do not support traditional lending methods. In addition to publications and research Norman created “Designing Affordability” an exhibition of best practices in policy, finance and architecture encompassing projects from around the world. The exhibition has run in the U.S., Australia and is currently running in the 2017 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture in Shenzhen, China. Marc Norman serves on multiple boards of non profit organizations and serves as chair for the Federal Reserve's Community Advisory Council.

A brief description of the type of service provided

Certification: MBE

Type of Certification the company qualified for

Certification Renewal Date: 1/31/2029

Date on which certification was renewed

Ethnicity: BLACK

Ethnicity of the Company owner(s)

Address Line 1: 424 Grand Street #1

Company Address


City in which Company is located

State: NY

State in which Company is located

Postcode: 11211

ZIP code

Mailing Address Line 1: 424 Grand Street #1

Company mailing address

Mailing City: BROOKLYN


Mailing_State: New York


Mailing Zip: 11211

ZIP code


Company Website

ID6 digit NAICS code: 813990

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code that identifies the type of business

NAICS Sector: Other Services (except Public Administration)

NAICS sector (Industry)

NAICS Subsector: Business, Professional, Labor, Political, and Similar Organizations

NAICS Subsector

NAICS Title: Other Similar Organizations (except Business, Professional, Labor, and Political Organizations)

Type of Business

NIGP codes: 91800 | 91859 | 91889

National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) Codes

Name of Client Job Exp 1: Eldorado

The Business the vendor is working for

Largest Value of Contract: 45000

Value (in dollars) of the the contract

Percent Self Performed Job Exp 1: 100

Percent of the job performed by the vendor

Date of Work Job Exp 1: 2020-09-01

Date the work was done

Description of Work Job Exp 1: housing, economic development and wealth building strategies for a 94 acre site in Portland, OR

Description of the work done

Name of Client Job Exp 2: Stantec

Name of second business the vendor is working for

Value of Contract Job Exp 2: 31000

Value (in dollars) of the the contract

Percent Self Performed Job Exp 2: 85

Percent of the job performed by the vendor

Date of Work Job Exp 2: 2023-01-02

Date the work was done

Description of Work Job Exp 2: Economic development and housing consultant for mid sized New York cities

Description of the work done

Name of Client Job Exp 3: El Dorado

Name of third business the vendor is working for

Value of Contract Job Exp 3: 38000

Value (in dollars) of the the contract

Percent Self Performed Job Exp 3: 75

Percent of the job performed by the vendor

Date of Work Job Exp 3: 2023-01-02

Date the work was done

Description of Work Job Exp 3: Economic Development consulting on comprehensive plan for neighborhood revitalization

Description of the work done

Enrolled in PASSPort: Yes

Enrollment in the NYC's Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal (PASSPort)


Borough in which the building is located

Community Board: 301

The Community Board field indicates the New York City Community District where the building is located

Council District: 34

The Council District field indicates the New York City Council District where the building is located

BIN: 3062858

The BIN (Building Identification Number) is a unique identifier for each building in the City

BBL: 3023980009

The BBL (Borough, Block, and Lot) is a unique identifier for each tax lot in the City

Census Tract (2020): 513

The Census Tract (Census 2020) field indicates the U.S. Census Tract where the building is located. Please note that as part of the geocoding process, leading and trailing zeros are dropped

Neighborhood Tabulation Area (NTA) (2020): BK0102

The Neighborhood Tabulation Area (Census 2020) field indicates the New York City Neighborhood area where the building is located

Coordinates where the business is located
QR Code
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