
SBS Certified Businesses >


↓ The source of this information is the New York State open data website,

Account Number: 333815

Vendor Number

Vendor Formal Name: NANOV DISPLAY INC.

Formal Name of the Company

First Name: Myung

First Name of the Company's Contact Person

Last Name: Moon

Last Name of the Company's Contact Person

Telephone: 9292833887

Telephone Number

Business Description: NANOV Display, Inc. is an outdoor interactive digital sign supplier that specializes in real time public information and communication media displays. The company system integrates 5G modems, managing switchers, multiple IP cameras, RFID readers, thermal printers, credit card chargers and communication macro cells into LCD kiosks. Nanov recently launched an N21 product series--integrating solar technology into kiosks. Nanov produces robust, outdoor digital LCD exterior signage that can withstand a myriad of environmental challenges. Nanov IP65 sealed marine monitors have endured testing for salt-water erosion in the oceans of Miami, Florida as well as hurricane-strength winds. Nanov’s weatherproof digital signage have overcome difficulties brought on by the severe cold and extreme weather conditions of Toronto, Ontario, Calgary, Alberta and extreme direct sunlight conditions in Dallas, Texas, Mesa, Arizona. Nanov engineers new product in a research and development center in Brooklyn. The company operates a light manufacturing facility in Brooklyn Navy Yard with contracted manufacturing facilities in Rochester, New York, South Korea and GwangDong, China.

A brief description of the type of service provided

Certification: MBE

Type of Certification the company qualified for

Certification Renewal Date: 7/31/2026

Date on which certification was renewed

Ethnicity: ASIAN

Ethnicity of the Company owner(s)

Address Line 1: 31 SE 5th Street CU202

Company Address

City: Miami

City in which Company is located

State: FL

State in which Company is located

Postcode: 33131

ZIP code

Mailing Address Line 1: 31 SE 5th Street CU202

Company mailing address

Mailing City: Miami


Mailing_State: Florida


Mailing Zip: 33131

ZIP code


Company Website

Date Of Establishment: 1999-12-15

Date the Company was Established

ID6 digit NAICS code: 238990

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code that identifies the type of business

NAICS Sector: Construction

NAICS sector (Industry)

NAICS Subsector: Other Specialty Trade Contractors

NAICS Subsector

NAICS Title: All Other Specialty Trade Contractors

Type of Business

NIGP codes: 28500 | 29000 | 54500 | 80100

National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) Codes

Name of Client Job Exp 1: Dallas Area Rapid Transit

The Business the vendor is working for

Largest Value of Contract: 7173950

Value (in dollars) of the the contract

Percent Self Performed Job Exp 1: 100

Percent of the job performed by the vendor

Date of Work Job Exp 1: 2021-03-01

Date the work was done

Description of Work Job Exp 1: • Deployed 325 Transit Double-sided Interactive Kiosks, 650 screens across 19 DART LRT Stations • I

Description of the work done

Name of Client Job Exp 2: San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (SDMTS)

Name of second business the vendor is working for

Value of Contract Job Exp 2: 1085826

Value (in dollars) of the the contract

Percent Self Performed Job Exp 2: 100

Percent of the job performed by the vendor

Date of Work Job Exp 2: 2021-05-30

Date the work was done

Description of Work Job Exp 2: Engineered, deployed Outdoor Transit RTIS Signage • South Bay Bus Stations VMS – 31 units of 46” Dou

Description of the work done

Name of Client Job Exp 3: Calgary Transit System

Name of third business the vendor is working for

Value of Contract Job Exp 3: 1253500

Value (in dollars) of the the contract

Percent Self Performed Job Exp 3: 100

Percent of the job performed by the vendor

Date of Work Job Exp 3: 2020-12-15

Date the work was done

Description of Work Job Exp 3: Supplied designed built 230 sets of outdoor direct sunlight readable transit public information digi

Description of the work done

Enrolled in PASSPort: Yes

Enrollment in the NYC's Procurement and Sourcing Solutions Portal (PASSPort)

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