↓ The source of this information is the New York State open data website, https://data.ny.gov/.
Type of registration: Preparer, Preparer/Facilitator, Facilitator
Preparer’s First Name
Preparer’s Middle Initial
Preparer’s Last Name
Preparer’s Address City as listed on Tax Preparer Registration
Preparer’s Address State as listed on Tax Preparer Registration
If the content on this website is personally relevant to you, we can add the following functionality:
A detailed description of your services and offerings, so visitors can learn about the full scope of what you provide. This will help better inform your audience and build trust in your company.
A feedback section where users can leave comments, reviews, and ask questions. This will allow you to directly interact with clients, receive valuable feedback, and respond to their needs in a timely manner.
Visitor tracking functionality, so you can analyze traffic and activity on your website. This data will help you better understand your audience and more effectively promote your services.
An interactive map displaying the location of your business. This is convenient for visitors who want to find and visit you in person.
Links to your official social media pages, so users can follow your updates and engage with you across different online platforms.
We’d be happy to collaborate with you and help expand the capabilities of your website, so it can most effectively represent your work and serve the interests of your clients.